Sunday, November 18, 2012

Points 5-7

How people responded to my information:

Beth seemed glad that I mentioned the comparison between fear and anxiety. She agreed with me that the only true fear is fear of the unknown.

People were engaged with the video clips I showed (particularly Epiphany from Sweeney Todd).

Overall the class spent about 20 minutes discussing the issues posed by my presentation before moving on to the next student.

Analysis of hypothesis with actual outcome:

I was actually surprised to find that many other students (and the professor) had a similar take on fear as I did. I was expecting people to be more surprised by the idea of fear not really being a commonly felt emotion.

Propose changes to your idea based on what happened:

I don't think that the experiment should be changed because it sparked a good discussion with the class. That doesn't necessarily mean that the results of the experiment were what was expected; sometimes unexpected results are a good thing. I think it would be beneficial to conduct this experiment with people who did not grow up with the freedom and luxuries Americans have. Perhaps the reaction would be quite different in the Middle East than it is here.

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